daagde 21 schrijvers uit om een 'roman' te schrijven in 1 tweet. Ongelooflijk hoeveel je in 140 tekens kunt zeggen. Een paar voorbeelden: He said he was leaving her. ,,But I love you," she said. ,,I know," he said. ,,Thanks. It's what gave me the strength to love somebody else." I opened the door to our flat and you were standing there, cleaver raised. Somehow you'd found out about the photos. My jaw hit the floor. ,,It's a miracle he survived," said the doctor. ,,It was God's will," said Mrs Schicklgruber. ,,What will you call him?" ,,Adolf," she replied. En last but not least: (Bridget Jones) OK. Should not have logged on to your email but suggest if going on marriedaffair.com don't use our children's names as password. en doe mee!
Bron(nen): The Guardian