Donald Trump krijgt weer de lachers op zijn hand. Tijdens een persconferentie bij de NAVO noemde hij zichzelf 'a very stable genius'. De Amerikaanse president werd gevraagd naar een reeks kritische tweets die hij de wereld in had gestuurd over de NAVO. Een journalist vroeg hem of hij daar nu op terug wilde komen. Trumps reactie: "Nee, dat doen alleen andere mensen. Ik ben consistent. Ik ben een heel stabiel genie." En Twitter komt niet meer bij: Het was niet de eerste keer dat Trump zichzelf zo noemde. In januari schreef hij op Twitter:
"I'm a very stable genius." -Donald Trump, speaking at #NATO headquarters.
— Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) 12 juli 2018
... in front of the entire world.
Quote of the day: “I am a very stable genius” - President Trump
— Lea Gabrielle (@LeaFOXNews) 12 juli 2018
Trump just reminded the entire world that he’s a “very stable genius.”
— They All Axed for You Gamma (@GammaBolt) 12 juli 2018
I’d forgotten.
The unstable idiot Donald Trump, after getting facts wrong and complaining that the #NATOSummit was too "calm", is now calling himself a #StableGenius. Again.
— Donald Trump Toupee (@TrumpeeToupee) 12 juli 2018
Does THIS look like a "stable genius"? Or, even a person of average intelligence and a tentative grip on their sanity?
It’s not even 7:30am on the east coast and the #StableGenius has already embarrassed America 4 different ways.
— Jason Haber (@jasonhaber) 12 juli 2018
The #StableGenius #defecat is out of his cage. Wear a hat.
— Mary Louise Hegarty (@thegalacticgogo) 12 juli 2018
Hey now! Mr. Ed's has it all over on #DumbasticTrump! #StableGenius
— NC Dem 🌊 (@StopGOP2018) 12 juli 2018
Dear Europe,
— SavageM (@Meryl67) 12 juli 2018
We know he's an idiot.
Please accept a sincere apology from this Boston Massachusetts citizen.#StableGenius
....Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star.....
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 6 januari 2018 President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 6 januari 2018
Bron(nen): The Independent