Dishonest media is trying their absolute best to depict a star in a tweet as the Star of David rather than a Sheriff's Star, or plain star!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 4 juli 2016
One more thing: What would a "Sheriff's Star" or "plain star" be doing over money? What would that even mean?
— Sopan Deb (@SopanDeb) 4 juli 2016
@realDonaldTrump very innocent! Sheriff Trump; go screw yourself!
— Dito Sevilla (@DitoDC) 4 juli 2016
I'm really surprised WWII even happened, what with all the sheriff's who were apparently in Germany at the time.
— Jason Kirell (@jaykirell) 3 juli 2016
Pretty cool that Israel honored the American frontier spirit by putting a sheriff's badge on their flag!
— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) 4 juli 2016
So, then, what was the design decision for including a Sheriff's star in the first place?
— Hockey By Design (@HockeyByDesign) 4 juli 2016
If anyone asks my religion, I'm saying deputy sheriff
— Alex Roth (@alexroth3) 4 juli 2016