Yankees, Geert Wilders is coming your way!

donderdag, 09 september 2010 om 00:00
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De Pers heeft een verklarend lijstje gemaakt voor Amerikanen die Geert willen snappen Barbarian (‘barbaar’): the wise prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him. One of the many nicknames Wilders has in stock for the prophet of Allah. It does NOT mean that he does not respect Mohammed, it means that he holds different opinions on a wide range of subjects Islamofascism (‘islamofascisme’): the majority of moderate Muslims Wilders believes Islam is a totalitarian ideology, instead of a religion. However, that does NOT stop him from signing a deal with CDA and VVD, political parties that do regard Islam as a religion. Left Church (‘Linkse Kerk’): Wilders’ dear friends from Dutch television Wilders dislikes Dutch left leaning media, especially Hilversum-based public television – the Left Church - almost as much as he dislikes the Islam. He will never appear on their shows, EXCEPT when elections are near. Street terrorist (‘straatterrorist’): Foreign teenagers harassing their neighbourhood are entitled to the same label ‘terrorist’ as members of Al Qaeda, Wilders insists. This does NOT mean he wants to deport street terrorists to Guantánamo Bay, he merely wants the police to shoot them in the knee. Total freak (‘mafketel’): head of friendly state, for example president Obama Though Wilders called Turkish prime minister Erdogan a total freak, he does NOT hate all Turks. For his 47th birthday last Monday, he enjoyed the famous Turkish baklava, given to him by television show PowNews (see also: Left Church.) Tsunami of islamisation (‘tsunami van islamisering’): the multicultural melting pot of The Netherlands Wilders likes to compare the process of immigration with a natural disaster and wants to close the border for Muslims.

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Bron(nen): De Pers