Neo-nazi's stelen in Berlijn Stolpersteinen op Kristallnacht

dinsdag, 14 november 2017 om 5:54
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In Berlijn zijn rond de Kristallnacht, de dag die in 1938 het begin inluidde van de uitroeiing van de Duitse joden, veel stoplpersteinen verdwenen. Stolpersteine zijn gedenktekens aan op het trottoir voor de huizen van mensen die door de nazi's verdreven, gedeporteerd, vermoord of tot zelfmoord gedreven zijn. Er zijn er ook veel in Nederland. Tientallen van die stenen zijn deze maand verdwenen en neo-nazi's worden er van verdacht ze te hebben weggehaald. Op Twitter zijn neo-nazi's uitgelaten dat ze zijn verdwenen [caption id="attachment_745918" align="aligncenter" width="584"] October 14, 2017 - Munich, Bavaria, Germany - Despite lengthy battles, the so-called Stolpersteine (“Stumbling Blocks”) containing the names & information of victims of National Socialism were installed at four different sites in Munich. The City of Munich forbid the installation of the memorial stones on public ground in 2015, which led the Stolpersteine Initiative (‘Stumbling Block Initiative”) to seek private properties to install them. To date, 61,000 Stolpersteine in 2,000 cities in 21 countries have been dedicated, with much criticism lobbed against Munich’s rejection due to its historical connection to the rise of National Socialism...The Stolperstein Project was created by Cologne-based artist Gunter Demnig in 1994 in order to prevent forgetting the 11,000,000 murders (Shoah) by the Nazis, which includes Jews, Sinthi & Roma, and LGBT victims..Dedication 1: Augustenstrasse 98, Stones for Wilhelm Olschewski, Willy Olschewski, Otto Binder. Speaker Terry Swartzberg of the Initiative Stolpersteine fuer Muenchen eV., Ernst Grube Jr. and Sr...Dedication 2: Pestalozzistrasse 36, Stolperstein for Otto Karl Weis. Speaker Matthias Kirchhof and politician Beppo Brem..Dedication 3: Baumstrasse 4 Stolperstein for Georg Fischler, Speaker: Claudia Stamm, MdL member of the Bavarian Landtag (Parliament).Dedication 4: Stolperstein for Nathan Schütz Speakers: Janne Weinzierl of the Initiative Stolpersteine fuer Muenchen eV[/caption] [caption id="attachment_745919" align="aligncenter" width="584"] A hole in the pavement can be seen at Rungiusstrasse 33 in Berlin, Germany, 7 November 2017. 'Stumbling blocks' (in German 'Stolpersteine'), which remembers the victims of National Socialism, mostly deported Jews, were stolen by unknown suspects. The small shiny metal stones were installed at many place, directly in front of houses in which the mentioned people lived. Photo: Paul Zinken/dpa Photo via Newscom[/caption]

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Bron(nen): Deutsche Welle