Het is niet de eerste en het zal ook niet de laatste kolossale spelfout zijn, die Trump maakt in een haastig getypt bericht op Twitter. In een poging om rechter te verdedigen sprak hij over 'false acquisitions' in plaats van 'false accusations'. Hoewel de Amerikaanse president de tweet binnen tien minuten verwijderde, was het kwaad al geschied. Brett Kavanaugh is kandidaat-rechter voor het Amerikaanse Hooggerechtshof. Hij wordt beschuldigd van seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag. In de foutief gespelde tweet nam Trump het op voor zijn favoriete kandidaat. Twitter vermaakte zich uitstekend met de taalkundige misser.
No one expects the #falseacquisitions pic.twitter.com/X4rdjfP5CU
— Bele (@tomservo10) 25 september 2018
"False Acquisitions" are when you buy companies planning to put them in bankruptcy.
— Dave Hogg (@stareagle) 25 september 2018
"False Accusations" are when you attack a sexual-assault victim and accuse her of partisan motives.
No, when you funnel money to porn stars and Playboy bunnies to buy their silence, to create the false impression that you didn’t have affairs with them and/or get them to have abortions, those are “False Acquisitions.” pic.twitter.com/t1mX2kKFB5
— Mrs. Betty Bowers (@BettyBowers) 25 september 2018
I would like to start a lady band called The False Acquisitions. You in? #FalseAcquisitionsFOREVAH! https://t.co/e7rD4gJhga
— Liz Vassey (@LizVassey) 25 september 2018
False Acquisitions? I preferred the gentle metre and rhyme of “covfefe”.
— vbspurs (@vbspurs) 25 september 2018
THEY ARE FALSE ACQUISITIONS!!! pic.twitter.com/IkgHsEl0Cq
— Red (@Redpainter1) 25 september 2018
I told somebody I bought a boat last week.....but I really didn't#FalseAcquisitions
— Eric Fallon (@Norm28Eric) 25 september 2018
I was having my covfefe in Starbucks tonight when some guy wearing a #MAGA hat came in and started making false acquisitions against everybody. I told him to be careful, because Obama had the place wiretapped and could hear everything he was saying. #FalseAcquisitions @POTUS
— John Harte (@jhdps) 25 september 2018
Dear @realDonaldTrump -- Hey, stupid. About those #FalseAcquisitions? They are neither false nor are they acquisitions. A perfect example of a real false acquisition is how you acquired your position in the White House.
— Resister Erica ❄️ (@EricaLScott) 25 september 2018
Today I bought a beachside house, took over a large corporation, and became fluent in Portuguese.#FalseAcquisitions
— Chela (@heychela) 25 september 2018
Bron(nen): The Huffington Post